Intro Blog

 Hi, my name is Lily and I am a sophomore in high school. I am very excited to start the second project in my journey in AICE Media Studies, especially since we are back in school full-time. I have always had a special interest in filming and editing, which is why I think this class is a perfect fit for me. I just bought a new canon camera for personal use, and now I can use it to film for AICE Media Studies. Other than filmmaking and editing, I enjoy playing and watching many sports. I play volleyball, soccer, and softball for my school teams and private travel teams. I also enjoy watching those sports, along with American football, baseball, golf, basketball, and more. I come from a very athletic family, with my brother being a college baseball player, my father who is a former professional golfer, and my other brother being a college football player. In total, I have three brothers and two sisters, me being the youngest. I love having a big family because there is always something going on, and I always have people who support me 24/7. I also have a job at Top Round, a sandwich and custard restaurant, and I love working there. I meet so many nice people and it has taught me a lot of important lessons. One of my favorite things to do is go to the gym and lift heavy weights, it makes me feel so good and I love feeling myself get stronger. Some of my other hobbies include, photography, drawing, hanging out with my friends and family, listening to music, and baking. My favorite color is pink; hot pink and light pink. My favorite food are tacos and burritos, especially shrimp tacos. I have a dog named Juno, she is a 7-year-old goldendoodle, and I love her so much. I also love cats, but I can't get one as a pet because my father and brother are allergic to cats. Whenever I am at school, I listen to music as much as possible when I do not need to be listening to the teacher because I find that music helps me focus better. I also do this because I love discovering new songs, artists, and music genres that I enjoy listening to. I also love reading in my spare time, especially mystery books. In addition to my many interests, I am also interested in space and space exploration. I love doing research on space and seeing what the newest discoveries are. All in all, I think that AICE Media Studies is already a lot of fun, so I am very excited to continue in this class. Thank you for reading all about me! 

Me, John, and Kaya at the homecoming dance.


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