
Critical Reflection

Critical Reflection   1.       While brainstorming ideas for my short film, I wanted to create something that was powerful. I wanted to convey a strong message that would ignite change. Even if it wasn’t going to change anything, raising awareness was important to me. I thought of some issues that invoked strong emotions for me personally. One of these was domestic violence/child abuse. My short film about a teenage girl killing her abusive father is a powerful message that has the potential to raise awareness about a variety of social issues and represent many social groups. Firstly, the film can shed light on the issue of domestic violence, which is a genuine problem affecting people of all ages and genders. By showing the severe impact of domestic violence on families and communities, my film can help to raise awareness of this important issue and potentially inspire victims to seek help and support. My film can also represent the social group of teenage girls who may be vulnerable

Short Film Package

Website Postcard What Goes Around Comes Around

Postcard time

 Today, I needed to start the postcard process. Felipe and I agreed that I would do the postcard and he would do the website/social media sites. We decided this because we both have different strengths and weaknesses. I am good at designing things. He is good with technology because he is in AP Computer Science. Today I started to brainstorm ideas for the postcard. I also decided to make an outline for what I needed to do to make a good and effecting postcard. I started researching movie postcards. I found that most movie postcards all have things in common: a picture that represents the movie, a layout that complements the picture, a catchy headline that will grab people's attention, a short message to briefly introduce your film, and colors and fonts that align with the tone of the film. I made an outline for how I wanted to tackle this postcard. Step 1 would be to choose a picture. Step 2 is to come up with the headline for the postcard. Step 3 is to write the message I want to

Big fall

 Today, we were supposed to start filming at 10 AM. I texted Felipe and asked when he wanted me to come over. He wasn't responding and I was really confused because he usually wakes up pretty early. I just decided to get ready and then relax until he texted me back. I showered and got dressed first. Then I did my makeup and hair. I decided to watch some Netflix and eat breakfast. Around 11 AM, Felipe finally responded. He apologized because he overslept. I told him no worries because I got some extra time to relax! I let him have a few minutes to get ready and then I started heading to his house. I got there and Felipe told me that Logan was also coming to help us film. I got there first so we waited on Logan. We talked about what scenes we needed to film/reshoot. Felipe told me that Logan was bringing his drone for the establishing shot. I thought that was really cool and was excited to see how it would turn out. Finally, Logan arrived. He set up his drone. He realized it was low

Emergency shift

 Today, I had set aside time to film more of the scenes that needed to be redone. This was until my plan got rudely interrupted by my boss calling me into work because one of our employees had gotten sick.  At first, I was frustrated. I had been looking forward to making progress on my film, and now I had to spend the day at work. But as I got ready for work, I realized that this was an opportunity to learn how to deal with unexpected interruptions and to be flexible in my plans. When I arrived at work, it was super busy. There were more customers than usual, and my co-workers were all running around trying to keep up. My boss thanked me for being there. I'm glad I got that recognition. I was hoping for it because of the plans I had to put on hold for work when I wasn't even scheduled. I realized that this was a little bit selfish, especially since one of my co workers was sick. I fixed my attitude, and I jumped in to help them. I started taking orders at the register. After th

Rain rain go away!

  Felipe and I had planned to reshoot some of the scenes I wasn't happy with today. He texted me to come to his house around 1 PM. I got dressed and ready and headed over there. As soon as I got there, it started down pouring rain. This put a wrench in our filming plan. I was disappointed at first, but I didn't let it ruin our day. Instead, I suggested we stay inside and enjoy our off day that the weather gave to us. Felipe rolled his eyes at first, but finally agreed. Felipe has a pool table in his rec room, so I thought it would be fun if we played a couple rounds. Felipe didn't know that I am actually really good at pool. We started playing and I quickly won every game. He was surprised and impressed. Then, since Felipe was mad I kept beating him, he picked a game he is really good at. Of course he picked chess. I used to play chess when I was younger, but I'm not the greatest at it anymore. Of course he beat me multiple times. He laughed because he deemed it as &quo

A teaching moment

 Today was a little bit of a frustrating day for me. I am not a person that has a lot of patience. Today, I had to teach Felipe how to use iMovie. It was mostly frustrating because Felipe insisted on doing the editing. For all of my past AICE Media Studies projects, I have been the editor. I do this because I like editing. But also, because I want it to be perfect. I know how to use iMovie really well so I told Felipe I could do it, but he insisted on doing it. I don't like butting heads with him but this really frustrated me. I expressed my concerns but he persisted with wanting to edit. I finally just said yes because I did not feel like arguing with him anymore. This meant I was going to have to teach him how to use iMovie. This was not easy because iMovie is a little confusing. It also takes practice, but I did what I could to try to teach him the best I could. First, I taught Felipe how to upload the files to iMovie in the correct order. Then, I taught him how to start adding